French Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Bachelor / Hand, Wrist and Elbow Orthotists
About Grégory MESPLIÉ
Grégory MESPLIÉ is a state-certified physiotherapist and orthotist specialized in the treatment of hand and wrist pathologies. Since 2001, he has been working at the Institut Sud Aquitaine de la Main et du Membre Supérieur at the Clinique Aguiléra in Biarritz, France. A full member of the French Society of Hand Rehabilitation, he holds university degrees in Sports Rehabilitation (DU Bordeaux 2003), Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Devices in Hand Surgery (DIU Grenoble 2005) and Biomechanics (DIU Toulouse 2015). He is also the founder of the Académie de la Thérapie de la main.
An experienced international professional trainer, he is also a teacher and lecturer at university and postgraduate level.
Grégory MESPLIÉ is the author of several books, including "Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation, Theoretical Aspects and Practical Consequences" (Springer Editions) and volumes 1 and 2 of "Rééducation de la main" (Sauramps Médical Editions).
Skills & Abilities
- Physical Therapist
- Hand, wrist and elbow reeducator and orthotist
- Vocational training instructor
- Faculty Lecturer
Professional Practice
- Physiotherapist and orthotist (Institut Sud Aquitain de la Main et du Membre Supérieur, Biarritz)
- Designer/Trainer - Inter-University Diploma in Rugby Pathologies (Bordeaux/Versailles Faculty of Medicine)
- Designer/Trainer - Hand and wrist orthoses (Moroccan Ministry of Health)
- Designer/Trainer - Clinical reasoning and therapeutic approach in common hand and wrist pathologies (IFMK Northern France)
- Designer/Trainer - Hand and Wrist Tendon Pathologies (Continuing Education Organizations)
- Designer/Trainer - Hand and wrist pathologies: keys to kinesitherapy diagnosis for targeted treatment (Continuing Education Organizations)
- Designer/Trainer - Rehabilitation and Fitting of the Hand and Wrist (Training organizations, e-learning, training validated by the Conseil National de l'Ordre des Masseurs-Kinésithérapeutes)
Conferences & Congresses
- 2007: French Society of Hand Rehabilitation (GEMMSOR): Advantages and drawbacks of closed orthoses.
- 2009: EPU: Treatment of digital arthrosis
- 2009: Rehabilitation of finger flexor injuries (training of physiotherapists of the network "Emergency Hands South Aquitaine")
- 2011: EPU: "Hand emergencies
- 2011: Presentation at the CERS (European Center for Sports Rehabilitation): "Peculiarities in the management of hand pathologies" 2011
- 2011: Presentation at the Congress of the A.K.R (Association of Rugby Physiotherapists): "Specificities of the management of wrist pathologies".
- 2013: GEMMSOR: Interests of new technologies in the diagnostic assessments of rehabilitators
- 2014: CARP: Support for Mallet Finger
- 2014: GEMMSOR: Stability of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
- 2015: Conference at the Haute École de Liège: Digital stiffness, physiological aspects and treatments
- 2015: National Congress of the French Association of Golf Physiotherapists: The golfer's hand and wrist
- 2015: National Congress of the Society of Hand Rehabilitation / GEMMSOR: Ultrasound, a revolution for the hand rehabilitator?
- 2016: Sports Medicine and Science Day / SAFSU: Golfer's Hand and Wrist
- 2016: Conference at the Haute École de Liège: Ligamentous Wrist Rehabilitation
- 2016: National Congress of the Society of Hand Surgery / GEMMSOR: Impact of the dart throwing motion on the precocity of mobilization of the traumatic carpus
- 2016: National Congress of the Society of Hand Rehabilitation / GEMMSOR: Practical contribution of ultrasound for the hand rehabilitator
- 2017: 1st European GEM Practical Course: Workshop on the use of copy echo in hand rehabilitation
- 2018: GRAM: Carpal Instability Rehabilitation
- 2018: National Congress of the French Society of Hand Rehabilitation: Physiology of digital stiffness
- 2019: Congress of the European Hand Emergency Federation: Advanced Practice in Hand Rehabilitation
- 2019: Presentation at the FESUM (European Federation of Hand Emergency Services) Congress: "Hand rehabilitation in a FESUM center, in advanced practice".
- 2020: Webinar "Rehabilitation of carpal instabilities" (Invivox platform)
- G.MESPLIÉ Rehabilitation of scapholunate instability (Kinésithérapie magazine - 2018) (Article)
- G.MESPLIÉ Carpal instabilities in athletes (Promanu 2017) (Article)
- G.MESPLIÉ Rehabilitation of distal radioulnar instability (Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation - 2017) (Article)
- G.MESPLIÉ 25 years of evolution in hand rehabilitation (Kinésithérapie magazine, 2010) (Article)
- G.MESPLIÉ Stability of the distal radioulnar joint: what about the pronator quadratus (Kinésithérapie magazine, 2007) (Article)
- G.MESPLIÉ Hand Rehabilitation - Volume 1 Diagnostic Assessment, Rehabilitation Techniques and Traumatic Wrist (Sauramps medical - 2011)
- G.MESPLIÉ Hand Rehabilitation - Volume 2 Traumatic and common pathologies of the hand (Sauramps medical - 2013)
- G.MESPLIÉ Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation, Theoretical Aspects and Practical Consequences (Springer - 2015)
- G.MESPLIÉ Hand therapy: Clinical examination and advanced rehabilitative care of the wrist and hand (Sauramps medical - 2020)
Training & Experiences
Creation of the "Rehabilitation and Orthoses of the Hand and Wrist" course, certified by the French National Council of the Order of Physical Therapists.
Gregory MESPLIÉ publishes 1 new course on
Gregory MESPLIÉ joins the team!
Creation of the "Académie de la Thérapie de la main"
Since 2017
Trainer - MCT training (Toulouse, France)
Since 2016
Instructor at the Swiss Society for Hand Rehabilitation
Since 2016
Trainer at the Moroccan Ministry of Health
Since 2015
Instructor at the French Institute of Physical Therapy (Northern France)
Pain Sensitivity Rehabilitation Instructor (Fribourg, Switzerland)
Inter-University Diploma in Biomechanics (Toulouse, France)
Since 2014
Instructor at the Faculty of Medicine of Bordeaux/Versailles (France)
Full member of the French Society of Hand Rehabilitation
Diploma of orthotist in small appliances (AFPO Paris, France)
Since 2005
Orthotist (Institut Sud Aquitain de la Main et du Membre Supérieur)
Inter-University Diploma in Hand Surgery Rehabilitation and Prosthetics (Grenoble Faculty of Medicine, France)
University Diploma in Sports Physiotherapy (Bordeaux Faculty of Medicine, France)
Since 2001
Physiotherapist (Institut Sud Aquitain de la Main et du Membre Supérieur)
State Diploma Physiotherapist