Doctor / Osteopath / Posturologist

Gerard VALLIER is a posturologist physician and osteopath. He has been practicing as an osteopath since 1986 and as a posturologist physician since 1994. A founding member of the OSTEOBIO School of Osteopathy, he earned his D.O. osteopath diploma and Doctor of Medicine degree (University of Paris XIII). Additionally, he founded the Posturology Clinic in Perpignan.
An experienced international professional trainer, he is also the founder and instructor of the Posturopole training programs.
Furthermore, Gerard VALLIER is the author of several works, including "Treatise on Clinical and Therapeutic Posturology" and "Method – Diagnosis and Treatment of Postural Imbalances" published by Posturopole.
- Posturologist physician
- Osteopath
- Professional training instructor
Professional Practice
- Physiotherapist and orthotist (Institut Sud Aquitain de la Main et du Membre Supérieur, Biarritz)
- Founder/Trainer (Posturopole)
- Founder (Posturology Clinic)
- Founding member (OSTEOBIO School of Osteopathy)
- Founding member (COGITOBIO)
- Member (Association for the Development and Application of Posturology - ADAP)
Conferences & Congresses
- 2001: The interdependence of osteopathy and posturology (Clinique du Sport, Paris)
- 2003: Biomechanics, osteopathy, posturology (Hospital of Perpignan)
- 2006: Analysis and measurement of postural disorders through morphometry - Congress of the French Association of Osteopathy (Montpellier)
- 2009: Treatment of postural imbalances in osteopathy - Congress of the French Association of Osteopathy (Paris)
- 2011: Protocol for managing postural imbalances in osteopathy - National Posturology Congress (Perpignan)
- 2011: Organizer and speaker at the National Posturology Congress (Perpignan)
- 2012: Organizer and speaker at the Posturology Workshops (Perpignan)
- 2013: Multidisciplinary management of a postural disorder of mandibular origin
- 2013: Congress of the French Association of Osteopathy
- 2013: Posture and Dyslexia (Hospital of Perpignan)
- 2014: Organizer and speaker at the Congress on Posturology for Children and Adolescents (Lyon)
- 2015: Organizer and speaker at the Congress on Posturology for Children and Adolescents (Lyon)
- 2015: Speaker at the Posturology Seminar (Seoul, South Korea)
- 2015: Speaker at the International TMJ Symposium (Montreal, Canada)
- 2016: Organizer and speaker at the Congress on Posturology for Children and Adolescents (Lyon)
- 2018: Organizer and speaker at the Congress on Posturology for Children and Adolescents (Lyon)
- G. VALLIER: Stabilometric and Clinical Correlations in 60 Adults with Postural Deficiency Syndrome (Gagey & Weber, Masson Editions, 1995)
- G. VALLIER: Treatise on Clinical and Therapeutic Posturology (Posturopole Editions, 2014)
- G. VALLIER: Treatise on Posturology in Children and Adolescents (Posturopole Editions, 2018)
- G. VALLIER: Method – Diagnosis and Treatment of Postural Imbalances (Posturopole Editions, 2022)
Training & Experiences
Gerard VALLIER joins the team!
Instructor and Founder of the Posturopole Continuing Education Institute
Teaching osteopathic techniques for the treatment of disc pathologies, Institute of Training in Osteopathy and Posturology
2005 – 2013
Corporate consultant specializing in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
Training SNCF engineers in applied biomechanics for comfort and posture
Posturology Physician - Osteopath D.O., Posturology Clinic of Perpignan
1994 –2004.
Osteopath and Posturology Physician - Paris 16th
1990 - 2006.
Teaching Neurophysiology and Posturology - Ostéobio School of Cachan
Doctor of Medicine
Osteopath - Issy-les-Moulineaux
Osteopath D.O. Degree