Clinical Posturology

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Posturology is a multidisciplinary medical approach that brings together specialists trained in posturology to collaboratively and systematically understand, diagnose, and treat a range of pathologies while considering the interactions between various neurosensory inputs. In this e-learning course, Dr. Vallier offers a diagnostic and treatment method for postural imbalances, based on a decision tree designed to establish a Hierarchical Therapeutic Action Plan. This enables each practitioner to implement a tailored postural treatment strategy for every patient.
4:53:20 of training
Gerard VALLIER Gerard VALLIER trainer
US$ 249.00 US$ 98.99


Posturology is a multidisciplinary medical and paramedical discipline that studies the biomechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms regulating the primary alignments of the human body. Postural pathology is an imbalance in these key alignments, leading to excessive strain that causes musculoskeletal disorders and alters motor patterns.

Objectives of the course

One of the major challenges in posturology is establishing a correlation between the symptoms described by the patient, the postural clinical examination, and the analysis of postural sensors.

Which sensor(s) should be addressed? This course teaches a method based on a decision tree to identify the sensor(s) responsible for a postural imbalance.

This training will enable you to perform a practical and efficient postural clinical examination to analyze postural imbalances and propose a tailored therapeutic strategy for each of your patients.

Methodology and pedagogy

  • Theoretical Sessions

  • Expository Methods: Lectures with 3D and 2D Animations

  • Practical Sessions

  • Videos with Real Patients


No prerequisites are required to participate in this training. However, our courses are designed by healthcare professionals and intended for the same audience. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to have skills related to the following professions: physiotherapist, doctor (general practitioner, rehabilitation specialist, orthopedist, etc.), osteopath, podiatrist, ophthalmologist, orthoptist, rheumatologist, dentist, psychomotor therapist, and professionals in the sports sector such as physical trainers.

Training Program


  • Introduction   4:06


Posturology studies the active maintenance of human posture both in static and dynamic conditions. It is the result of biomechanical arrangement regulated by the central nervous system, which is itself informed by neuro-sensory receptors



This chapter describes the postural system, which receives information from various sensory receptors to regulate muscle tone. This information comes either from external sources (exteroceptors) or internal sources (interoceptors) of the body.

  • Definition of sensors   5:23
  • Asynchrony of postural sensors   2:13
  • Postural Deficiency Syndrome   9:17
  • Multidisciplinary networks   6:41


In this section, we will discuss neurophysiology and, more generally, the neurosciences that enable the understanding of neurosensory regulation

  • Concepts of neurophysiology   5:28
  • Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)   21:17


This experiment on the oculomotor muscles and posture, described by JB Baron in his science thesis (1955), establishes the foundational principles of posturology.



The method presented (Dr. Vallier Method ®) describes a hierarchical approach based on a decision tree. This method allows each practitioner involved in posturology to follow a precise therapeutic framework within a multidisciplinary network.

  • Description   27:48
  • Classification of postural imbalances using Barré’s vertical method   34:31


Postural clinical tests aim to detect Pathogenic Tonic Asymmetry Reflexes ® coming from neurosensory sensors, in other words they make it possible to define which sensor(s) are at the origin of the postural tonic imbalance.

  • POSTURAL TESTS   53:10


Clinical experience shows that in the absence of prioritization, postural treatment frequently results in therapeutic failure or even in a destabilization of the organization of the postural tonic system.



The EOS system is a medical imaging device dedicated to osteoarticular pathologies, orthopedics and posturology.

  • THE EOS SYSTEM   26:49


Conduct of a postural assessment

  • CLINICAL CASES   55:30


Posturology brings a vision of medicine that is both more global, interactive between the different specialties, where the patient is at the center of a multidisciplinary group of specialists in posturology, having a common diagnostic approach, a common language, assessments and common clinical tests.

  • CONCLUSION   15:23

Quiz : reevaluate your knowledge.

  • Post-training test Evaluate your progression after the training course with a multiple choice test.

Courses downloads & documentation

Scientific References

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