French Physiotherapy Bachelor Specialized in Musculoskeletal Pathologies


About Matthieu LOUBIERE

Matthieu LOUBIERE is a state-qualified physiotherapist specialized in musculoskeletal pathologies since 2005. His practice focuses on shoulder problems and spinal pain. He practices Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT).

After several years in private practice, he became involved in teaching, gradually dividing his time between specialized musculoskeletal clinical practice and education. He has been teaching continuing education courses since 2007 and initial education courses since 2009.

He is co-manager of a training company, GEM-K, which organizes, hosts and runs training courses in central and eastern France. In 2017, he created a podcast and a blog to promote physical therapy and evidence-based practice.

He regularly participates in professional congresses (French Kinesitherapy Days, International French-speaking Congress for Physiotherapy and Kinesitherapy Students, Gicare, SPB Insurance, Interphysio), has participated and chaired scientific committees (French Kinesitherapy Days, Euro-physio Meetings) and has published around 20 articles in national and indexed journals (Kinés la Revue, Main libres, Kiné Scientifique, EMC).

He is the winner of Grand Price of the French Physiotherapy Society (FPS) 2019 et Fellow of the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists Incorporated in 2022.

Skills & Abilities

  • Physiotherapist
  • Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT)
  • Instructor in education and training
  • Musculoskeletal Pathology (Shoulder and Rachialgia)

Professional Practice

  • Physiotherapist and osteopath (private practice in Sainte-Savine, Aube)
  • Instructor at the Physiotherapy Training Institutes (Dijon, Montbéliard, Besançon…)
  • Trainer in continuing education (GEM-K, Kiné Lille Formation, Kiné & Co formations, Synetic Training, GBF Training, Habilis development, ACCESS Training, IPPP, IHEPS)
  • Interpreting, translation (GEM-K)
  • Managing Partner of GEM-K Training
  • Director and member of the scientific committee (Euro-Physio Meetings)
  • Member (OMT France)
  • Member (FPS)

Conferences & Congresses

  • 2010 : Cervical Spine and Shoulder: Anatomical and Functional Continuity (GICARE)
  • 2013 : Clinical and Paraclinical Assessments of Cervicalgia: Pragmatic Approach and Literature Review (GICARE Congress Physio Format)
  • 2013 : Lumbago and Manual Therapy: an Etiological Approach (Bourgogne Days of Re-Education and Functional Rehabilitation)
  • 2014 : Shoulder: Which Recentering for Which Patients (GICARE Workshop 2014)
  • 2016 : Critical Thinking and Its Impact (CIFPEK Congress)
  • 2016 : Understanding Manual Therapy (SPB Insurance Dijon)
  • 2017 : Critical Thinking and Physiotherapy Studies (FKD Congress)
  • 2017 : Retractile Capsulitis. An Update (SPB 2017)
  • 2018 : The Elbow in TMO: You Could Do With a Little More Hand On (INTERPHYSIO 2018)
  • 2018 : Loading the Cuff (INTERPHYSIO 2018)
  • 2018 : Radiculalgia or Lumbar Referred Pain? Cervicogenic Headaches (Dijon Physiotherapy Day)
  • 2019 : Impacts of Career Path, Training Choices and Social Networks on the Beliefs of French-Speaking Physiotherapists: A Cross-Sectional Study. (FKD 2019)
  • 2019 : Come and Learn How to Test Your Superpowers! (Auboise Association for Zetetic Studies and Information)
  • 2019 : Retractile Capsulitis. An Update (Synetic Training)
  • 2020 : Euro-Physio Meetings 2020 : Passive Techniques and Capsulitis in the Cold Phase (the Role of Hand Off)
  • 2020 : "So You're Telling Me That Your Shoulder Hurts? Let's Talk About It" (CNKR Conference)
  • 2020 : Shoulder and Breast Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Look at EBP Practice (IPPP Congress)
  • 2020 : What If Your Back Pain Wasn't For Me? (JDK Congress)
  • 2020 : 8 Key Points For a Successful Clinical Examination (Kobus)
  • 2021 : Effectiveness of a Rehabilitation Program Based on the "Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure" in Patients with Rotator Cuff-related Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial (FKD 2021)
  • 2021 : The Tendinous Shoulder and the Unstable Shoulder. Information evening. (CDO of Aube, Troyes)
  • 2021 : Support For Doctors and Physiotherapists. The Patient's Shoulder, From Consultation to Rehabilitation (Lorraine Physiotherapy Society, Nancy)
  • 2022 : The Frozen Shoulder, a Hot Topic. (CIFEPK, Tours)
  • 2022 : Evening Live - The Frozen Shoulder (Physioacadémie)
  • 2023 : JFK 2023, The role of exercise in frozen shoulder
  • 2023 : Shoulder pain and breast cancer? Assessment and physiotherapeutic treatment. "Kiné Lille Formation"
  • 2023 : Manual therapy of the upper limb in athletes, why and how? Symposium "One Sport, One Injury." "Kiné and Co"
  • 2023 : Hands On, Hands Off, the right balance. CDO Côte d’Or
  • 2023 : The role of exercise in frozen shoulder. Burgundy Physiotherapy Society


  • 2021 : Loubiere M, Poiffaut C. Efficacy of a rehabilitation program based on the "shoulder symptom modification procedure" in patients with rotator cuff-related pain: A randomized controlled trial. Kinésithérapie, la Revue. N° 232, p. 10. 2021
  • 2020 : Loubiere M. Impacts of career path, training choices and social networks on the beliefs of French physiotherapists: a cross-sectional study. Mains libres, N°4, p. 235-244. 2020 Dec
  • 2019 : Loubiere M. Impact of career path, training choices and social networks on the beliefs of French physiotherapists: A cross-sectional study. Kinésitéhrapie, La Revue N°206 : 59. 2019 Feb
  • 2017 : Loubiere M. A study of critical thinking instruction and its impact on physical therapy students' representations. Kinésithérapie, la Revue
  • 2017 : Loubiere M, Thierry G, Barillec F, Barette G. Specific mobilizations. EMC - Kinesitherapy-Physical Medecine-Readaptation 2017;0(0):1-21
  • 2016 : Barette G, Barillec F, Loubiere M. Impact of TOS on socio-professional activities and physiotherapy management. De kiné à kiné. N° 13, pp 5-8. 2016 Sep
  • 2016 : Gautier J, Loubiere M. Neurophysiology and motor synergies in the human lower limb: practical consequences in muscle chain analysis and treatment. Kinésithérapie scientifique, N°576, p. 13-23. 2016 Mai
  • 2016 : Loubiere M. MR13 – Scientific approach and critical thinking: impact on physiotherapy students. Kinésithérapie, la Revue. 16. 48. 2016
  • 2015 : Loubiere M, Thierry G, Inchauspe P and al. Shoulder/cervical spine interrelation and work-related constraints (Part 2). Kinésithérapie scientifique, N°563, p. 43-49. 2015 Jul
  • 2015 : Srour F, Barette G, Loubiere M. Rehabilitation of non-operated, non-unstable painful shoulders. Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale. 26-208-G- 10. 2015.
  • 2015 : Loubiere M, Baduel D, Thierry G and al. Shoulder/cervical spine interrelation and work-related constraints (Part 1). Kinésithérapie scientifique, N°567, p. 27-39. 2015 Mar
  • 2015 : Thierry G, Loubiere M. Scapular approach to glenohumeral pathology. Kinésithérapie scientifique, N°561, p. 31-40. 2015 Jan
  • 2014 : Loubiere M. Lumbago and manual therapy: an etiological approach. Kinésithérapie, la Revue. 14. 37–38. 2014
  • 2013 :Tixier A, Barette G, Loubiere M, Dufour X. Evaluation of the swimmer's shoulder: (Part 2). Mains libres, N°6, p. 221-229. 2013 Sep
  • 2013 : Tixier A, Barette G, Loubiere M, Evaluation of the swimmer's shoulder Mains libres, N°5, p. 181-190. 2013
  • 2013 : Srour F, Dumontier C, Loubiere M, Barette G. Functional clinical evaluation of painful non-operated shoulders. Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale. 2013.
  • 2013 : Loubiere M, Barette G, Barillec F. Assessment of cervicalgia in manual therapy. Kinésithérapie scientifique, N°540, p. 23-28. 2013 Feb.
  • 2013 : Barrette G, Barillec F, Loubiere M and al. Cervicalgia versus Cervicalgias. Kinésithérapie scientifique, N°540, p. 5-6. 2013 Feb
  • 2013 : Barrette G, Barillec F, Loubiere M and al. Cervicalgia Exclusion assessment, differential and diagnosis. Kinésithérapie scientifique, N°540, p. 7-9. 2013 Feb
  • 2012 : Tixier A, Loubiere M, Barette G, Dufour X Evaluation and rehabilitation of the swimmer's shoulder (Part 2)Kinésithérapie scientifique, N°538, p. 13-23. 
  • 2012 : Tixier A, Barette G, Loubiere M, Dufour X. Evaluation of the swimmer's shoulder. Kinésithérapie scientifique, N°535, p. 5-15. 2012 Sep
  • 2010 : Collective. Practical manual of specific joint techniques.
  • 2010 : Dufour X, Barette G, Ghossoub P, Loubiere M. Stop treating low-back pain. Kinésithérapie scientifique, N°506, p. 11-17. 2010 Jan
  • 2009 : Loubiere M. Cervical spine and shoulder, anatomical and functional continuity. Profession Kiné. Supplément N°29. 2009 Dec.
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Training & Experiences



Matthieu LOUBIÈRE publishes a new course on


Since 2023

Expert reviewer for HAS (French National Authority for Health)


Since 2022

Content creation for social media. Management of an account dedicated to MDT (Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy)



MDT McKenzie Part C



Fellow of the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists Incorporated (IFOMPT) via Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT) France



Matthieu Loubière joins the team!



Maitland cycle level 2b (GEM-K Training in Troyes)



CMP Certificate Mulligan Practitionner (GEM-K Training in Dole)


Since 2020

Lecturer for Manual Therapy (IHEPS Training in Marrakech)


Since 2020

Reviewer for Kinesitherapy, The magazine



Grand price of the French Physiotherapy Society (FPS) 2019



Member of the French Kinesitherapy Days (FKD) Scientific Committee


Since 2019

Co-creator of Euro-Physio Meetings. Steering the scientific committee


2018 - 2019

Diagnostic and Mechanical Therapy (DMT) - McKenzie Method A and B (GEM-K Training in Dole)


2018 - 2019

Hypnosis in Physiotherapy (GEM-K Training in Dole)


Since 2018

Translation and Interpreting for GEM-K


2017 - 2018

DU Method in clinical research (Bordeaux University)


Since 2016

Private physiotherapist (practice in Sainte Savine)


2016 - 2018

Maitland cycle level 2ba (IMTA Training in Lutry)


2014 – 2015

Scientific Director for the ITMP Trainings


2013 - 2014

Physiological Chains (Busquet)


2013 - 2015

Lecturer (Saint Denis Osteopath)


2013 - 2014

MSc Education Science (IFCEES and Montpellier University III)


Since 2012

Managing Partner GEM-K Training (Research and development and course organization)


2012 – 2014

Lecturer - Shoulder Management (Physiotherapy Format)


2009 - 2016

Private physiotherapist (Practice in Dole)


2009 - 2012

Osteopathy National Diploma OND (COS, Gennevilliers)


Since 2009

Trainer in IFMK (Dijon, Montbéliard, Besançon…)


2009 - 2012

Lecturer (ORREK Franche Comté)


2008 - 2009

Private physiotherapist (practice in Versailles)


2007 - 2015

Lecturer for Manual Therapy (Paris Institute of Manual Therapy)


2007 - 2013

Lecturer for Manual Therapy (ORREK Training)


Since 2007

Continuous education instructor (GEM-K, Kiné Lille Formation, Kiné & Co formations, Synetic formation, Alister, Gilles Barette Formation, ITMP)


Since 2007

Hospital work (Nevers Hospital, Dreux Hospital)


2006 - 2007

Monitoring the Conflans St Honorine Handball team in D2


2006 - 2008

Manual Therapy Certificate ITMP (ITMP, Paris)


2005 - 2008

Private physiotherapist (Practice in Andrésy)


2005 - 2006

Private physiotherapist (Practice in Cergy)


2002 - 2005

State-Qualified Physiotherapist (ADERF Paris)

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Discover all the trainings of Matthieu LOUBIERE

Frozen Shoulder
with 113 reviews
5:19:00 SOON
Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder


Frozen shoulder, also known as retractile capsulitis or scapulohumeral periarthritis, is a condition that presents many challenges in both assessment and treatment. This 5+ hour theoretical and practical e-learning course on the rehabilitative manage…

Neck pain
with 2 reviews
10:15:56 US$ 299.99 US$ 189.00
Neck pain

Neck pain


Neck pain is one of the top 3 most common complaints in daily practice. However, many practitioners admit to difficulties in understanding this region, which, in addition to its complexity, generates numerous fears that all too often lead to incomple…

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